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Urban Dictionary: lacky

Pl of lacky. 2. A group of people that cant think for themselves, and have a Boss that does the thinking for them. Anyone that lacks the inteligence to figure it out for themselves. He's a candy ass, its a good thing he's got lackies to do his dirty work. #lacky #lackies #underling #thug #brainless.

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Lackey | Definition of Lackey by Merriam-Webster

— The Editors Of Gq, GQ, "WrestleMania 34 Is Going to Be a Goddang Blast," 6 Apr. 2018 The portrayals of her as a lackey of big business bugged Breed, who first won a supervisor's seat in 2012. — CBS News , "London Breed becomes San Francisco's first African-American woman mayor," 14 June 2018 The portrayals of her as a lackey of big ...

Urban Dictionary: lackie

Urban Dictionary and our advertising partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the advertisements you see. To learn more about what data we collect and your privacy options, see our

Lackey - definition of lackey by The Free Dictionary

lackey - a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage ass-kisser , crawler , sycophant , toady apple polisher , bootlicker , fawner , groveler , groveller , truckler - someone who humbles himself as a sign of respect; who behaves as if he had no self-respect



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