The Acudor universal flush access door for walls and ceilings is designed for installation in all types of flush surfaces. The drawn flanged door panel has rounded corners for both safety and an architecturally pleasing appearance.
Imagine you just purchased a new Gas Range to replace that old Electric one that came with the house. You budgeted for someone to come in to run the gas line, but what you did not take into account is the additional cost of an electrician. That beautiful Gas Range uses a different receptacle than ...
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Data Agreement Audi of America, Inc., believes the information and specifications on this website to be correct at the time of publication. Specifications, features, options, fabrics, and colors are subject to change without notice.
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Rev.2 of the MC9S08DZ128 Series Data Sheet has three parts: • The revision 2 of th e addendum to revision 1 of the data sheet, immediately following this cover page. • The revision 1 of the addendum to revision 1 of the data sheet, following the revision 2 …
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Ingersoll Rand ZA Series Pneumatic Balancers are ideal for "pick and place" applications requiring precision spotting characteristics.. Features: Reliable chamber and piston type air motor; Pendant control with 12 ft. standard pendant control hose length