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Англо-русский словарь по нефтегазовому делу - Документ

В настоящем пособии освещаются общие принципы, методы и конкретные проблемы психологической диагностики.

Petkit Pet Activity Tracker - 8480204 | HSN

Petkit Pet Activity Tracker Your pets are like your babies, so monitor their movements, eating habits and emotions like you would your child with this cool activity tracker. The app for this device tracks food consumption for those users who purchase any Petkit Fresh Smart Bowl (sold separately).

PEKt;. - Documentary History of American Waterworks

OF TilE SESSION OF 1835-56. 135 he mayor, aldermen, and citizens, of said city, be, and To •opply they are hereby authorized and empowered to purchase and Lancaster bold, in fee simple, or for any less estate, any water power city with or po\•ers, near or convenient to the said city, or any lands, water.



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Peks. 2,004 likes · 55 talking about this. peks@gmx


В. Ф. Черныш, директор научно-производственного учреждения «Сибироника», к. т. Н., член ...

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Yura Yunita & Reza Rahadian - Pekat (Official Music …

May 04, 2018· Yura Yunita & Reza Rahadian - Pekat Producer : Yura Yunita & Reza Rahadian Director: Samuel Erha DOP: Thomas Vandhi Editor: Samuel Erha BTS : Melon Lemon & Fajar Faturrahman

5) Большой англо-русский словарь. 1979. II (M-Z)

- 402 - scourge II [вкзсзз] v 1. наносить удары бичом, бить плетью, кнутом; 2.книжн. карать, наказывать; to ~ oneself бичевать себя; to be ~d by the memory of one's misdeeds терзаться угрызениями обвести при воспоминании о своих проступках; 3.

Peter K (@PetK_) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from Peter K (@PetK_). Mountain climber and outdoor lifestyle lover. Santiago, Chile