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The Pesanga were a Seran ethnicity of great reputation that hailed from the country of Pesang. Contents[show] History Pesanga-Shaoshi Conflict For years, the Pesanga defended their homeland against the Shaoshi, a bordering country that often raided Pesang for food and water rights. In response...
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Pematangsiantar (sometimes written as Pematang Siantar, acronym PS or P. Siantar, colloquially just Siantar), is an independent city in North Sumatra, Indonesia, surrounded by, but not part of, the Simalungun Regency.
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Pemalang Regency is a regency (Indonesian: kabupaten) on the north coast of Central Java province in Indonesia. Its capital is the town of Pemalang . The regency is bordered by the Java Sea in the north, in the east by Pekalongan Regency , by Purbalingga Regency …
Contextual translation of "pemasangan" into English. Human translations with examples: tide, useragent, assembly name, installations, install failed, theme installer.
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