Project Loon is a radical approach to expanding Internet connectivity. Instead of trying to extend the Internet from the ground, Loon takes to the sky via a network of balloons, traveling along the edge of space, to expand Internet connectivity to rural areas, fill coverage gaps, and improve network resilience in the event of a disaster.
YOU ARE WELCOME! The Praise, Proclaim & Pray Project( PRAJECT) is an end-time revival, apostolic initiative inspired by the Holy Spirit as a spiritual vehicle of wining souls into the Kingdom of God and equipping believers for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The sun is officially here and we are crazy about this heat already. Check out our silky smooth moisturising lip balm. Guaranteed to keep you looking selfie ready all Summer,
Project Laundry exists to ease the financial load at a time. Starting in 2017, Project Laundry currently serves the Wichita, KS area and plans to partner with other like minded groups and organizations to expand into more locations in the city.