With our diverse areas of expertise and many industry contacts we often will be able to source a variety of processing equipment no longer in use by our customers.
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Fintec 542 - The hopper has a nominal volume of 8m3 (10.4 yd3) and is bolted to the feeder frame. Hydraulics Fintec 542 A 36cc/36cc tandem pump bolts directly onto the engine flywheel with a triple 36cc option available on the 542 machine. The engine also has a 23cc/23cc tandem pump fitted to a side P.T.O.
дробилка fintec 1440 motherslapfoundation Rock Monsters QI430 (Fintec 1440) Impact Crusher Former name Fintec F-1440 Impactor The QI430 is a track-mounted mobile unit …
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самоходная двудечный грохот fintec 542 Самоходные грохоты б/у Созданный на основе QA340 двухдечный двухсекционный грохот QA240 S-4 Сортировочный комплекс FINTEC F542 Вторичный грохот Extec S-4 Получить больше
Продажа дробилок (дробильных установок) б/у и новых ... самоходная milltrack m5000 25т/час мобильная дробильная установка на гусеничном ходу. Дизе.. ...
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